Self-Tanner Application & Tips

Applying self-tanner may feel a bit daunting. You don’t want it to look patchy. You don’t want it to be orange. And you certainly don’t want streaks of color where there shouldn’t be any.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way when you’ve got a few valuable self-tanner tips.  

When you’re getting ready to put on self-tanner, you definitely want to make sure you’re choosing the right type of self-tanner, like a self-tanning mousse, lotion, or mist. After you’ve picked your product, there’s the application technique. It’s got to be spot on, but not spotty. And finally, you want your self-tanner to last.

Lucky for you, we’ve got our favorite tips for applying self-tanner to make sure it looks great including after-care tips to keep you glowing longer.

Different Types of Self-Tanner

Before we get to self-tanner application tips, let’s quickly go over types of self-tanner. Whether you’re choosing a mousse or a mist, self-tanners typically have one thing in common: they contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts with dead skin cells to darken your skin wherever the solution is applied. There a few common types of self-tanner:

• Self-tanning mousse: In just a couple hours, self-tanning mousse can give you a super even tan that’s easy to control the depth in color. It’s quick dry and streak-free making it ideal for a quick color touch-up.

• Self-tanning lotion: For those experienced self-tanners, a lotion is a great everyday option or if you are looking to enhance the color on specific places, like your legs. They take a few hours to develop after application, be aware that if it’s not applied evenly, streaks may be quite noticeable.

• Self-tanning mist: Similar to sunscreen mists, self-tanning mists are a great way to apply to those hard-to-reach areas. It dries quickly and gives a nice, even color without streaks and spots.

• Self-tanning serum: Typically for your face, serums are lighter and give a nice bit of glow when applied before your normal makeup routine.

• Self-tanning oil: These types of self-tanner give a natural glow when applied overnight, giving it time to moisturize and soak into your skin.

Now let’s get those tips on using self-tanner!

Self-Tanner Tips: Application and Care

Similar to our spray-tan tips, there are a number of ways to prepare, apply, and care for your tan to make the most of it. Follow these self-tanner tips for the best application and after-care:

1. Prep your skin

Preparing your skin is always an important first step for applying self-tanner or getting a spray tan. This involves thoroughly cleaning and exfoliating skin to remove dead skin cells and improve the depth of your tan.

You can exfoliate in a number of ways including using an exfoliating mitt or a homemade scrub. Make sure to get in areas like elbows, knees, and neck and move mitt or scrub in a circular motion to clean the skin as well as possible.

It’s also helpful to shave or remove hair in the areas you plan to apply self-tanner so you don’t have to do that afterwards, which can remove freshly applied self-tanner or spray tan. Hair removal done 24 hours before applying self-tanner will ensure that your skin is calm and no open cuts will be affected by the solution.

2. Be careful about moisturizing

Like spray-tan care, you want to be cautious if moisturizing before applying self-tanner. Oily, heavy moisturizers can affect how the self-tanning solution absorbs into your skin. If you do feel the need to moisturize, make sure your skin is completely dry first and use a very small amount of a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer, particularly to the driest spots, like knees and elbows.

3. Apply self-tanner

Now we’re getting down to the good stuff: how to apply self-tanner. This process will depend on which type of solution you’re using, but the goal is the same–make sure it’s applied evenly for a smooth, effortless glow. Here are our tips for applying self-tanner:

• Face first: If you’re tanning your face, you may want to do that before the rest of your body, using your bare hands to apply around eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. You can then wash your hands immediately to avoid staining.

• Use an application mitt: Using your hands could stain them orange. No one wants that, so invest in an application mitt will help provide an even tan. Use gentle, sweeping motions across your skin. If you’re concerned about self-tanner leaking through to your skin, simply throw on a pair of latex gloves for added protection.

• Start at the bottom: Begin by applying self-tanner at your feet and lower legs, using the mitt to smooth the solution into your skin. Continue up your body, being sure to get hard-to-reach areas, the underarms, around breasts, and carefully blending into neck.

• Blend in between fingers: Use minimal solution on hands and fingers, being sure to get in between your fingers and blend any lines around your wrists.

4. Let it dry

One of the most important self-tanner tips is to be patient and let it dry. Some solutions take longer to dry than others, so check the directions on the package for application tips. Some may take several hours, while some dry in a matter of minutes. Additionally, avoid putting on clothing and shoes for at least 15 minutes after application to avoid staining or streaks. When you do get dressed, avoid tight clothing and shoes.

5. Avoid moisture

After you apply self-tanner, avoid moisture for at least a few hours. That includes bath, shower, swimming, sweating, or saunas. Additionally, don’t apply moisturizer right after. Take a shower within the 24 hours following self-tanner application and gently pat dry to avoid streaks.

How Often to Apply Self-Tanner

When it comes to self-tanner, people always want to know how long it lasts. This will depend on a number of factors including the type of solution you use, how well you prep, and what types of activities you engage in following application. High-quality self-tanners may last up to week but expect fading.

Many self-tanners can be applied daily, which will help develop a richer color if done without exfoliation in between applications. Continue applying each day until your desired color is reached but be sure to occasionally exfoliate and moisturize to freshen and prepare skin for future applications.


These self-tanner tips and tricks are just the beginning of a beautiful glow. Here at Be Bronze, we’re committed to giving you the best self-tanning accessories, skincare, and amazing spray tans! Check out our blog for more self-tanner tips like how to remove a spray tan or how to prepare for your next appointment. If you’re ready for the most amazing tan, don’t forget to book your next spray tan appointment with us!

Using a self tanner is a simple way to get that sun-kissed glow, but picking the wrong shade can turn into a disaster. Take this quiz to determine the perfect shade for you.